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The Santa Barbara Wireless Foundation is a nonprofit, public benefit foundation organized to develop and support wireless telecommunications technologies in support of public safety, emergency communications, community service and scientific research in the Santa Barbara region.

The Santa Barbara Wireless Foundation is an all volunteer organization and consists entirely of licensed amateur radio operators with decades of experience in various disciplines including radio communications, emergency communications, engineering, education, cyber security and information technology.

Our mission is to advise and assist other non-profit groups with communications related challenges by leveraging our wide area of expertise. We serve organizations engaged in services that benefit the public such as first responders, animal rescue, event communications, scientific research, aviation safety, and emergency preparedness.

The Santa Barbara Wireless Foundation also maintains a commercially licensed repeater with wide area coverage of the Santa Barbara area. We can provide ad-hoc communications to served organizations to assist in emergency situations or in cases where their normal communications infrastructure is insufficient or unavailable.

We need your help!

We are losing our primary repeater site on the Mesa. We have received no help from the city thus far in finding a new location. It’s time to show support for SBARC and let the Mayor and City Council members know how we feel. We would like to get SBARC members and friends of SBARC to send an email to the City Council so we show them how we feel.

Below is a sample email that you can copy and paste or you can write your own. Emails need to be sent to the following email address:
Dear Council members,

I am writing in support of the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club. Over the years, they have provided communications support for dozens of parades, marathons and bicycle races, entirely on a voluntary basis. They have made their availability a priority in many of our worst disasters and have been instrumental in helping many neighborhood groups develop emergency communications programs.

I am aware that the City has ordered them to vacate the location they have used for 50 years for their primary communications systems. I would urge City officials to do everything possible to help this non-profit organization find an alternate suitable communications site so the community can continue to depend on this valuable resource.
Diablo Peak Image Capture

Latest live image from the Santa Cruz Island Webcam, owned and maintained by the Santa Barbara Wireless Foundation.

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Weather at Diablo Peak
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